Friday, June 13, 2008


It seems as though I've been relying on this blog merely as a means to apologize for not posting as frequently as I would like. Despite being here for nearly two weeks tomorrow, I still find myself somewhat dazed by this unfamiliar scenery in which I have subjected myself to. I long for the day that I will finally grow accustom to my daily activites and, more importantly, the time zone here in Florida. I don't have problems waking up, mind you. No... my problem is going to sleep. I'm just now starting to get tired at a "normal" hour. I feel that this will eventually lead me down a road filled with liveliness and success--mainly in fufilling my promises of keeping my blog up to date. So work this week has been fantastic. I am also in the process of totally redesigning the existing media kit and also adding a whole new section for the new publication that Relevant Media Group is coming out with called: Neue (pronounced "new"). It's going to be a quarterly 'book-zine' for ministry leader audiences. I also just got the Design Premium CS3 from Adobe so I am stoked about that. Not much else is going on. I'll update on everything I am working on as soon as it comes my way. Anyway, I'm just finishing up this fine day here at Relevant. There is yet another storm rolling in today and hopefully staying for the next few days. It's lovely. Ya'll should come visit me here... really.


Jenna Lyndsay said...

hey justin,
sounds like the internship is going great and youre getting a lot of experience. the one campaign prop. sounds awesome. hope it goes through. :) have a great night!

Anonymous said...

Hey Justin,
Dude that is awesome about the One Campaign. That is a great organization, I have been a supporter of them for years. I need to be more involved with them, but I love what they are doing. It was co-founded by Bono because his Christian passion for helping people in Africa and across the world! I hope the proposal for that passes. I'd love to keep updated with all the stuff that is going on with you in Florida. I think I may have a job at one of two places. I have an interview on Monday and then another one a couple days after that. I'm crossing my fingers. Well, I'll talk to you later and hopefully this week, I'll be able to call you. Talk to you later, bye.

Your buddy,